Fun lil spot with the legend, Joe "Bean" Esposito (great guy!) & my darling wife [for the day!], Ambar Martinez, shot this fall... you'd never know we're in a pandemic, hooray for testing!!
For a limited time, check out my weird short film from a few years back (co-created w/ brother-in-law, John Thomas Cramer), The Wakening, formerly Channeled; which originally premiered at the International UFO Conference Filmfest in 2019. Inspired by the [real] UFO/alien abduction phenomenon, 'twas a fun one to shoot @ the Lighthouse Inn (purchased by my great grandparents & just so happens to be the oldest family run/owned inn in America!). I even nailed the year for official UFO/alien Disclosure, or did I?
...of many insanely varied [undisclosed] commercial shoots this fall... lot's o' fun & [#obvs] extremely grateful in these woeful times:/
Cute lil spot I did last year (*sigh*), the 2nd of 2 for Ikon in 2019 with my fake fam; check out our first fun spot here:) Doing the ads worked so well I bought my first ever Ikon Pass this year, sucker; sike, as a former ski instructor, I'm stoked! See a full list of 'free' Ski Resorts here!
Warmup [sock] kicks on recent [undisclosed] commercial @ the Coliseum in [not so beautiful] LA! For more fire updates, click here.
Here’s a little something from one of my own bike adventures, in the name of "Climate Rise / Ride” awareness! If you’re passionate about the BIG picture and passing on to your children (& your children’s children, and THEIR children, etc…) the opportunity to be able to enjoy this great earth as we have, please consider showing your support by donating to this cause. Any amount, big or small, is a contribution to keeping this lovely home of ours (Earth!) up & running for countless generations to come!!
Yes, these are strange & difficult times; thankfully I had a dress rehearsal back in 2012 -- actually this footage is from 1.2.13 when I thought the world was gonna end [12.21.12] turns out I was wrong (ok, ACTUALLY this is just a lil skit I did in the basement of the restaurant, Skylight Gardens, back in my bartending days:) Stay Happy & Healthy Y'all!! Also try this:)
Clip from short film, Fallout, directed by Khaled Algrainees, starring Dylan Wayne Lawrence & moi, the jerk brother;)
Had to put some ground strokes on camera for audition recently, which reminds me I should actually shoot it well & make it nice n pretty at some point... question is how to fly the drone, shoot the a7rii & hit the balls? DM me for ideas... (music by my brothers band added for no reason at all!)
AKA my temporary acting reel (half dramatic, half [subjective] comedy); of course it's far too long & missing quite a few 'bigger projects' so perhaps one day I'll cut em into two categories if that's even possible, but not today, enjoy! PS. Despite their passe nature, I still enjoy a good closing montage, especially if I'm editing, so sue me... wait no don't, I'm not sure I own the song.
Oof, you think that's bad, trying shaving once a year, yuck! Well, it happened to be for a fun [undisclosed] TV show playing Detective 'Fillintheblank', so I guess it's cool;) Also got the obligatory annual 'clean shots' for my ol headshot portfolio, yipee!
(though if you're currently casting, I'm back growing the beard for mid January [undisclosed] Nat'l commercial shoot, oh boy!) Yes, this too is far too long of a commercial reel (shorter spots are up front & the more 'in depth' pieces, we'll say, start in the middle-end) blah blah blah, you get the gist pretty quickly... here's [commercial] me!
Or at least it did on mine... when I accidentally edited this dope song to this amazing Lindy Hopper dance party from 1941... it's no'Wizard of Oz' / 'Dark Side of the Moon' but still great fun nonetheless:)
No, not Sam Darnold (NFL fans), just some strange liquid light reflections on my Halloween ride in the Angeles Nat'l Forest, my fave:)
In a few segments for Samantha Jayne & Arturo Perez' new show on FXX, Quarter Life Poetry, airing Wednesdays on Cake. Hats off to a bomb cast, crew & creators... soo good, check it! p.s. why's Dave always late to meetings (ps. see me @ min 3:12 in vid)
Emotional rollercoaster playin my boy to the far right all week... did he do it or not? That'll be the question when [undisclosed TV show] airs in a couple months... stay tuned true-crime lovers!
Lots of fitness/stunt(s) related commercials last few weeks, oolala, football season must be fast approaching #nocomplaintshere