Shot this one way back & have never seen until today, love that there's a reddit post calling me a modern fully formed adult arguing with Alexa... LOL.
Dick's Sporting Goods, Energizer, Suja, and few more I can't talk about yet, but good ol times this fall mostly in the commercial world; so I ask you please A.I., slow your roll.
My buddy Sarah Plantz & I having a nice chuckle that there's more than just lamps at good 'ol LAMPS PLUS, who knew?! (Duh, hello PLUS!!)
In honor of Instagram magically turning my video into a photo, here's a lil vid I cut of old family 8mm film from the 1940/50's summers @ the Lighthouse Inn on 'ol Cape Cod. Fun seeing mom/grandparents/aunties & uncles as little whippersnappers. The place looks & feels [just about] the same today, minus a cell phone or 2, couple dining rooms and perhaps a few more modern amenities;) - Song: "I want to marry a lighthouse keeper" by Erika Eigen.
Fun times w/ Mia Marina (& make-believe children!) in Salt Lake City last month for RC Willey; catalogue to come! (Wait, there's still catalogues?!)
Fun one shot last month in/around San Fran/Marin County with my lovely co-star, Claire Clancy... Oh the places you'll go [on an Async E-bike]!
Fun few days in Sonoma/SF/Long Beach [Studio] for this Adventure Lexus spot; can you tell the difference between IRL & StageCraft (LED Wall tech)?
Should've had my stunt double show up for this one... all those exercises/soreness on the cutting room floor, oh well fun times anyway!
Nope, not a Starbucks ad, but rather a beautiful week with the Beach BODi team & of course my fake fam; always a pleasure I tell ya!
Forgot about this one I recently found of myself playing a dorky dad in a commercial... again. #typecast #okwithit
Fun week on location in Sonoma & a Long Beach sound stage for that thing I did but can't talk about;) #NDA
Forgot about this one, but see randomly airing on the ol' TV (2+ yrs!), and one of the products I still consistently use when my knee trippin!
Fine day on the waters of Newport Beach, CA... thanks again to Dustin @ Paradiso Yacht Charters & the small but mighty crew!
... for the day, in good ol Valley Center, CA at a really badass [undisclosed] ranch for an [undisclosed] truck co:)