My bro, Jeremy Haines', Brooklyn-based band, Project Jenny Project Jan video, Nadine, with the lovely Kelli Giddish (Law&Order SVU)
Charlie Remitz music video where I play an asshole dad to this adorable tiny dancer (sorry Annie!)
Co-Produced & starred in this Doritos spec commercial... not the winner but top 50!
This sock monkee talks a lot a shit... or is it creator, Tim Schlattmann? Damn you Tim!
Just found this footage from 1.2.13 when I thought the world was gonna end [12.21.12] turns out I was wrong #tbt
No, this is not a video, but it IS a strange conversation with my ol pal Jon Gabrus about aliens n such on his podcast High & Mighty:)
Was editing my reel when this song accidentally played over a Lindy Hopper video & matched pretty perfectly... check out the fun!