Perhaps my favorite filming location in all of LA County, and my 3rd official shoot (couple unofficial indie pickups;) at the park where movies/TV such as Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid (Pickups), [OG] Planet of the Apes, M*A*S*H & MANY MORE were also shot... This was some good ol fashioned 4-wheelin' for
It's been 6 years since I've filmed at this particular movie ranch at this particular gas station [again] up in good ol Santa Clarita, wow!
But seriously folks, had a blast shootin' this one out in Minneapolis for GolfNow back in July, obviously:)
Recent one for Sleeper Fantasy Football app, good times despite the hundreds(?) of spankings throughout the shoot:) Proud of the improv at the end, had lotta fun ones (I think) but like the one they went with; pretty on-the-nose for fantasy football players (IMHO;)
One o' the Green Lumber spots I did couple months back. Coulda sworn I had like five pages of dialogue, ah memory... #moviemagic
Always nice to be #1 on the call sheet, even if you have to fly to Minnesota to do it (Check it out here!)... Oh yea and golfing all day isn't horrible either;) Thanks again GolfNow! (Legit pics by the talented Peter Wong:)
Check out my very strange short film, The Wakening, about the very strange UFO abduction phenomenon shot a few years back on Cape Cod at the family joint, the Lighthouse Inn... As June 25th approaches (re: Senate Intelligence briefing on UFO/UAP data), it will be interesting to see how much of this stuff sees the light of day... my opinion is it won't be much for us commoners but the drip-drip disclosure has begun & there's plenty of information out there available to us without a "need to know" ;)
Quickly put together "skills reel" for recent "sport" commercial... needs refining and added stuff(s), but booked the gig [Mom]!
Ah yes, the ever changing "commercial reel" or by the end of it, "we get it" reel.
My first :30 second solo running spot, holla, oh no wait my costar, Luna the raccoon, totally upstaged me, the lil cutie;)
Fun one last month with more spots on the way! (How'd they know I color my beard IRL;)